Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has published list of candidates who passed the CDS (II) 2013 Written Exam which held on 08th September, 2013. The commission conducts the exam twice a year, the candidates who qualify the written exam will be then called for SSB Testing at various places in our country. Those who qualify the SSB Interview will therefore be medically examined for their suitability for Defence Service. Finally, an all India Merit list will be declared and those who make it up to the merit list will be allowed to join the respective academy as per their respective course.
Total 8984 candidates are selected for further SSB Interview. The ratio of shortlisted candidates to vacancy is 1:17.65
CDS (II) 2013 exam was conducted for 137th Course of IMA, 100th SSC Men (Non Technical),14th SSC Women (Non Technical) Course, 196th Flying Pilot and Indian Naval Academy Course.
The written exam consist of 3 papers for those who opted for IMA, AFA and INA but candidates who opted for OTA had to face only two papers of English and General Knowledge.
The Vacancy wise detail of each course is as following.
137th Indian Military Academy Course – 250
Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala Course – 40
196th F(P) Course Air Force Academy, Hyderabad – 32
Officers Training Academy, Chennai, 100th SSC Course (for Men) – 175
Officers Training Academy, Chennai 14th SSC Women (Non-Technical) Course – 12