GTO’s Briefing for Progressive Group Task

Progressive Group Task is the third task after GD and GPE in the GTO series of your SSB Interview. The Progressive Group Task is a task where the candidates need to work as a group, they need to collectively tackle the problem and achieve the group goal. Before commencing the task, …

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GTO’s Briefing for Final Group Task

Final Group Task in SSB

The GTO i.e. Group Testing Officer during the SSB Interview will give you certain instructions before each and every task. As a candidate, you must listen to his instructions very carefully because there are a lot of hidden meaning in them and you need to perform the task as per …

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GTO’s Briefing for Lecturette

Lecturette is an important task conducted in the GTO series, it is aimed to judge the candidates Self-confidence and Power of Expression i.e. the ability to put across one’s idea with ease and clarity. The Lecturette is a task where the candidates feel a lot of pressure because here the …

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GTO’s Briefing for Half Group Task

The GTO i.e. Group Testing Officer during the SSB Interview will give you certain instructions before each and every task. As a candidate, you must listen to his instructions very carefully because there is a lot of hidden meaning in them and you need to perform the task as per …

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GTO’s Briefing for Command Task

The GTO i.e. Group Testing Officer during the SSB Interview will give you certain instructions before each and every task. As a candidate, you must listen to his instructions very carefully because there is a lot of hidden meaning in them and you need to perform the task as per …

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Can I wear black/blue shoes for GTO tasks in SSB Interview?

shoes for ssb interview gto

GTO stands for Group Testing Officer and his job is to judge the candidates’ behaviour among a group. You will receive instructions along with call letter regarding the dress prescribed for GTO tasks and in the instructions, it will be mentioned that the candidate needs to wear White Sports/PT Shoes, …

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How to crack Group Discussion

How to crack Group Discussion

Group Discussions or popularly know as GD are now an important part of the recruitment process for Banks, Government, and Private organization and even in admission in top MBA colleges. GDs are conducted to analyze a person’s behaviour among other peoples. GDs have proved their usefulness to the company or …

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Tips for Final Group Task | GTO | SSB Interview

Final Group Task will be the last task in the GTO series, in fact, it will be the last task of the SSB Interview because the only thing left after this is Conference, which usually lasts only a few minutes. On this page, we will discuss only the tips that …

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How to perform well in Individual Obstacles

Individual Obstacles (IOs) are a set of 10 physical obstacles that a candidate is required to complete individually. The IOs are conducted as a part of GTO tasks but unlike other tasks in this series you need to perform them individually. If you are not aware of the procedure and …

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