Here you can view and download AFCAT 1 2017 Result. The exam held on 26 February 2017 (Sunday) at various examination centers spread across the length and breadth of the country. AFCAT exam is conducted twice in a year for selecting young and dynamic male and female candidates who will later shoulder the responsibilities as officers in Indian Air Force.
Cut off Marks of AFCAT and EKT 2017
The Cut off Marks for AFCAT 01 2017 is 150 out of 300 and 60 out of 150 for EKT. Candidates scoring minimum cut off marks will be called for SSB Interview.
How to know the AFCT 2017 Result.
Date of AFCAT 1 2017 Exam | February 26, 2017 |
Download RESULT AFCAT 01 2017 | April 08, 2017 |
Date of Declaration of EKT Result | April 08, 2017 |
The result of AFCAT 1 2017 has been declared candidates can check their individual marks by clicking here and using the same login and password that was generated during the time of registration for AFCAT.
In order to view the result a candidate is required to log in to the official website of IAF i.e. and login with the username and password given to you at the time of registration. You can view the marks scored by you and cut off marks decided by IAF for AFCAT 1 2017. Those candidates who score the minimum qualifying marks can generate the SSB Interview admit card as per a comfortable date.
Result of EKT 2017
Click Here to view the result of EKT 1 2017.
What after clearing AFCAT Written exam.
After clearing written exam is the time for SSB or AFSB interview. You will be required to select the date and place for your AFSB Interview and then you have to report on the date and place allotted to you. Those candidates who clear the Interview will then be medically examined and finally, an all India merit list will be prepared. The last date for selecting the SSB Interview Date and venue is 17th April 2017.
You can read an important article. Qualified AFACT What’s Next.