Conference, in general, is a meeting of people who exchange opinions on a particular topic. At Service Selection Boards Conference takes place on the 5th Day (not the final day as your final day will be on last day of medicals) of your SSB Interview.
In Conference all your assessors like Psychologist, GTO, the Interviewing officer and the President of the Board will sit together, they will be in their service uniform and this is the only time in which you will see all of them together in uniform. They discuss your performance of last 5 days and take a call whether to recommend you for Medicals or not.
Before the Conference starts there will be a closing address given by the Board President or someone else on his behalf, he will tell you what qualities they were judging you for Last 5 days, he will tell you that they work on the right person for right job logic. He will also tell you to think whether you are ready for the Defence job or not as it is quite tough and if you are ready then keep trying hard if you are not Selected in this attempt. In short, he is going to apply some sort of ointment before injuring many of you.

Conference Procedure
You will be called one by one according to increasing or decreasing order of your Chest No. there will be a bell or a light to inform you when to get into the Conference Hall. Generally Conference lasts for 30 Seconds to 60 Seconds, however, if you are one of those whom the Board wants to confirm their findings then it might last for 10-12 Minutes to 1 Hour which is an exception case.
Conference Check List
- Make sure that you are wearing your chest no. in a proper way and it is in neat and clean condition.
- Make sure that you wear a suitable dress on the Conference day, which you can decide Here.
- Tell your mind that you are selected as this will give you confidence, you must not be nervous as everything you can do you did why to be nervous here.
- As you enter the Room wish the Persons there according to the Time of the Day (Generally Good Morning).
- When the President instructs you to leave the room confidently stand and move out of the room and gently help the door to close down (I have heard the story that a candidate whom they were decided to recommend was not recommended because he left the door and you know the sound thereafter).
- Do not borrow or give any of the materials like Shoes, Tie or anything which you might require in Conference as you will not be allowed to come back to the waiting room in which you were sitting before the conference.
Myths Buster
One of the Common Myth about Conference is that it is time pass it has no significance and result is already been prepared. Then, friends, we would like to tell you that there will be some of you on whom the Selectors of the Board might have some doubts, this is the time in which they will clear their doubts and if you answered them accordingly then you are IN otherwise Train is waiting for you.
You can check the Conference Question Click Here.
Important – If you have been asked a question in Conference apart from the general question (check the question in conference section) then Gentlemen you have a serious chance of getting recommended, if you hit the nail here you are in, otherwise you know the train is waiting just for you.