Progressive Group Task is the third task after GD and GPE in the GTO series of your SSB Interview.
The Progressive Group Task is a task where the candidates need to work as a group, they need to collectively tackle the problem and achieve the group goal. Before commencing the task, GTO will give briefing which is as follows:
Gentleman, the task that we are going to do now is called Progressive Group Task. You are all going to work as a group hence it is a group task.
You will be tackling a series of four obstacles starting with a simple one and as you go ahead, you will find that these obstacles are not so simple. Therein lies the progressively in the task.
We do not have natural obstacles like nallas, broken grounds etc. So we have a simple method of drawing two white lines and declaring the ground between these lines as out of bounds for the candidates. Thereby it becomes an obstacle to you, which you have to cross along with a load given to you.
To help you to bridge across these obstacles, certain structures are placed in the out of bounds area which you can touch. You are also provided with helping materials like planks, ballies and ropes which you can use.
While doing this task you have to observe five rules. Which are Group Rule, Distance Rule, Colour Rule, Rule of Rigidity and Rule of Infinity.
If you are all clear about the task, I shall show you the obstacles. If you have any questions, please ask me at each obstacle after I have finished my explanation of the obstacle.
Now, Gentlemen, you will get 30 minutes for doing this task. The time is limited and now that you have seen these obstacles, you would have realized that the latter obstacles will take more time. Therefore, you have to work fast on the starting obstacles.
If you have no further questions, please run back to the first obstacle and stand there with your back towards the obstacle.