This AIDS day (December 1, 2013) we are discussing one of the most critical diseases of the human race. Till now there is no known treatment for this disease which makes it utmost important to know about the causes and prevention of AIDS. Scientifically AIDS is not a disease because there are no clear signs of AIDS and hence it is a syndrome. AIDS stands for Acquired immune deficiency syndrome which is caused by HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), it is quite clear for the name that it is acquired from someone else and it attacks our immune system. The HIV virus does not directly affect the human body but it weakens our Immune system which makes our immune system more vulnerable to infections and diseases.
World AIDS Day 2013 Theme – Getting to Zero
The main difference between symptoms and sign is that the sign can be seen or experienced by other people apart for the patient but the symptoms can only be felt by the infected person. Signs are rash, swelling and change in skin colour and Symptoms are a headache, fatigue, or dizziness.
There are three main causes of transmission of AIDS i.e. sexual contact, exposure to infected body fluids or tissues, and from mother to child during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding (known as vertical transmission).
However, saliva, feces, sputum, sweat or tears do not carry HIV virus so if exposed with these of infected person transmission of AIDS is not possible but these must not be contaminated with blood.
Till now there is no treatment of AIDS however with certain measures an infected person can live long.
Precautions can be taken in form of having safe sexual contact, HIV test of a mother before pregnancy as with sophisticated medical aids child could be protected from getting infected. Infected person must go to a doctor for every small disease or disorder.

To detect whether a person is suffering from HIV or AIDS is done by the combination of two tests for HIV antibodies. Initially by ELISA method and then by Western blot method which determines the size of antigens. During initial period infected people develop specific antibodies, detection of aids during that period is done by measuring HIV-RNA or p24 antigen this initial period is known as window period when no change is detected.
How to behave with a person suffering from AIDS ?.
If you do know any person suffering from AIDS/HIV then you must not behave differently with him as he/she is just suffering from a disease which anyone could suffer so our behavior must be normal with that person. Shaking Hands, Using the same toilet, sharing cutlery, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, sneezing, dry kissing and hugging don’t cause HIV virus to spread. A person suffering from HIV needs a lot of social help and you must try to make his life happy.